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Monday, May 23, 2011

Barack Obama Announces To The World That Osama Bin Laden Is Dead

Barack Obama has announced to the world that the U.S. military has killed Osama Bin Laden. At this point nobody can examine the evidence because supposedly the body has been dumped into the North Arabian Sea from aboard a U.S. aircraft carrier. U.S. officials say that this was necessary because "Islamic law" requires a rapid burial.

The compound where Osama bin Laden was supposedly killed by U.S. forces is located a bit more than 1,000 yards from a Pakistan Military Academy.

Pakistan declared the killing of Osama bin Laden a “major setback” to global terrorism, but it will inevitably come under pressure to explain how the al-Qaeda leader was holed up in a mansion near a military facility.

Thousands of people poured into the streets outside the White House and in New York City early Monday, waving U.S. flags, cheering and honking horns to celebrate al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden's death.

Not everyone is celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden. Between 800 - 1,200 protestors marched in Quetta, Pakistan on Monday, to pay homage to Osama Bin Laden.

The Taliban has already threatened fresh attacks on Pakistani leaders and US targets.

The London Guardian has suggested that the fake image of a dead Osama Bin Laden used by several British mainstream media websites this morning on their front pages was the work of “conspiracy theorists” who claimed it was genuine.

An article in the New York Times reported that Osama Bin Laden was dead back in 2002, and an article on Fox News reported that Osama Bin Laden was dead back in 2001. In fact, there have been quite a few reports of the death of Bin Laden over the years.

As news of Osama bin Laden's death made its way across the globe Sunday night, Internet traffic exploded.

The Chinese official news agency Xinhua is reporting that Osama Bin Laden was killed by Pakistani forces, and that U.S. forces merely swooped in the pick up the body.

Adolf Hitler's death was made public 66 years to the day before Bin Laden's.

The State Department issued a travel alert Monday, warning Americans traveling or living abroad to be cautious about anti-American violence in the wake of Osama bin Laden's death.

On Monday, the NYPD flooded the city’s subway system with additional cops. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, “out of an abundance of caution,” said it has added more police at airports, the George Washington Bridge and ground zero.

China has again urged an end to fighting in Libya, saying it has "always opposed" any action not authorized by the U.N. Security Council, after Libya said Muammar Gaddafi's youngest son and three grandchildren were killed in a NATO airstrike.

The British embassy in Tripoli was set on fire and other western missions were ransacked by angry Libyan crowds recently in retaliation for a Nato air strike that killed members of Muammar Gaddafi's family.

Persistent, heavy rains have helped swell the Mississippi and Ohio rivers to the highest levels ever recorded, said an Army Corps of Engineers official Sunday.

The F5 tornado that ripped through the Tuscaloosa, Alabama area recently was reportedly so monstrous that it is still kind of difficult to believe that it was actually real. The thing was a mile wide and scientists are estimating that it had winds that exceeded 260 miles an hour. According to National Geographic, this monster tornado may have traveled a whopping 300 miles across Alabama and Georgia.

After jumping more than 3 cents over the weekend, gas prices across America could top $4 a gallon this week, according to one industry analyst.

The number of "low income jobs" in the U.S. has risen steadily over the past 30 years and they now account for 41 percent of all jobs in the United States.

The U.S. dollar is becoming incredibly weak.

Honda has warned its U.S. dealers that there will be shortages later in the summer of popular models such as the just-on-sale, redesigned Civic compact.

Mainland China has decreased its holdings of U.S. Treasury securities since last October, according to a report updated today by the U.S. Treasury Department.

Atlantic City has been very busy putting homeless people on a bus and sending them back where they came from.

According to the American Association of Medical Colleges, we face a shortfall of more than 150,000 doctors over the next 15 years.

Billions of dollars in unclaimed life insurance benefits are at the center of a legal wrestling match as cash-strapped state governments step up their efforts to go after unclaimed insurance benefits.

It sounds like Donald Trump has definitely decided to make a run for the White House in 2012.

Facebook has removed dozens of political activist profiles from its site, causing an outcry from campaigners trying to organize anti-austerity protests this weekend.

Sleeping too little or for too long disrupts how we think and can age the brain by up to seven years, a new study has shown.

Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa said on Saturday that the country's economic outlook was very severe and that the central bank would take appropriate action to support the economy.

Radioactive leakage from fuel rods at a nuclear power plant in the city of Tsuruga in Fukui prefecture on Honshu island of Japan are believed to be the cause of a surge in the density of toxic substances detected in coolant water, the prefectural government said Monday.

Furious parents in Fukushima have delivered a bag of radioactive playground earth to education officials in protest at moves to weaken nuclear safety standards in schools.

The northwest coast of the U.S. could be devastated by a huge movement of undersea plates known as a ‘megathrust’ earthquake, scientists say.

Ecuador's Tungurahua volcano recently hurled massive pyroclastic boulders more than a mile in a powerful eruption that prompted at least 300 people to flee their homes, authorities said.

A former Miss USA's claims of being groped during a pat-down at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport could be a felony under a bill gaining momentum in the Texas Legislature.

Barack Obama’s father was forced to leave Harvard University before completing his Ph.D. in economics because the school was concerned about his personal life and finances, according to newly public immigration records.

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