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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Man arrested over computer hacking claims

An 18-year-old man has been arrested in the Shetland Islands as part of an investigation into hacking groups, Anonymous and LulzSec.

The man is suspected of using the online nickname Topiary and presenting himself as a spokesman for the groups.

Both high-profile hacker groups are known for stealing and releasing private information from websites.

Police are also searching a house in Lincolnshire and interviewing a 17-year-old boy under caution.

Officers from the police's Central e-Crime Unit arrested the teenager in what they describe as a "pre-planned intelligence-led operation".

Earlier arrests
A statement from the Metropolitan Police says they believe he is linked to an ongoing international investigation into a number of cyber-attacks on international businesses and intelligence agencies.

The man was arrested on Wednesday and is being taken to London while his home is searched.

LulzSec has previously claimed responsibility for attempted hacks made on the UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca), the US Senate, the CIA and the Sun newspaper.

On Monday, Anonymous released secret documents stolen from an Italian cybercrime unit.

Last month, LulzSec announced it was disbanding.

Ryan Cleary, 19, of Wickford, Essex, was charged last month with five offences under the Criminal Law and Computer Misuse Acts, including an alleged hacking attack against Soca's website.

A 16-year-old boy from south London was arrested and bailed last week, while the international investigation has already led to sixteen arrests in the United States and four in the Netherlands.

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