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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Samsung Instinct selling in record fashion

Sprint’s new 3G phone, the Samsung Instinct, has sold the fastest out of all Sprint’s 3G phones. Sprint has come out to say that this new 3G touchscreen phone is breaking records already in it’s first week of availability. Sprint nor Samsung expected the Instinct to be selling this much because Samsung has to start producing more of the Instinct just to meet the consumer demand. There are already shortages in select US locations, and if Sprint wishes to continue with this surge, they need to make sure they have enough phones.

Also, Sprint is now using the EVDO Rev. A network, which means data features, such as e-mail, web, and GPS data will now be faster with speeds that can reach up to 1.4Mbps. You may be thinking, how does the first week sales of the Instinct compare to that of the iPhone or other popular cell phones. Unfortunately, at this time, Sprint has refused to release specific sale numbers. However, consider this, the iPhone, upon it’s initial release, sold about 270,000 units on the first week of sales. However, the Instinct only costs $129, which is a lot cheaper than previous iPhones, and is also $70 less than the new iPhone 3G.

Once Sprint publishes actual numbers, it will be interesting to see how this phone compares to the old iPhone, the new iPhone 3G as well as other popular phones. Until then, Sprint has done a great job of marketing the Instinct, and as a result, they are making a lot from it.

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