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Monday, June 13, 2011

Celeb diets breakdown

Celebrities go to great lengths to look good. And, their quickest way to get an enviable figure is by following a fad diet. But, these diets are perhaps a step too far. “These diets do more damage than helping with weight loss. Besides, it’s not possible for anyone to follow them for a long period wi
thout permanent ill-effects,” says nutritionist Jyoti Arora. “A diet is supposed to balance your nutrition intake but such diets limit that. So you do lose weight but it’s never permanent,” adds nutritionist Ritika Samadar. Here we list out five such diets that might have worked for these celebrities but they surely won’t do you any good.
The raw food diet
Actor Demi Moore swears by this diet in which you have to substitute 75% of your daily diet with raw fruits and veggies
The Verdict: Though rich in nutrients, there will be indigestion, liver and kidney problems as digestive system is not used to raw foods.

The juice diet
A detox-style diet, which has fans such as actor Gwyneth Paltrow was created by Dr. Alejandro Junger. It consists of two liquid meals a day and a solid one in between.
The Verdict: No proteins, carbs, or fats mean you will feel tired very fast and lose much needed muscle weight.

Cabbage soup diet
Followed by actor-model Liz Hurley, all you can eat in this diet is cabbage soup, and lots of it
The Verdict: The low nutrient value diet can cause long term harm. Plus, you will put a lot more weight on once you break the diet.

The baby food diet
Singer Cheryl Cole was on this diet before her ill-fated US X-Factor debut. You have replace two meals daily with baby food liquidised with two litres of water.
The Verdict: You end up consuming just 600 calories a day, which is too low for adults.

The cookie diet
Reality star Kim Kardashian tried this diet where specially made proprietary cookies are consumed to control hunger pangs. You can eat six each day: 500 calories.

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