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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Indian-origin 'manslaughter' surgeon in Australia brutally attacked in prison

An Indian-origin neurosurgeon in Australia who pleaded guilty to manslaughter was brutally assaulted by four inmates in Sydney's jail, a court has heard.

Suresh Nair is being sentenced over an incident in 2009 in which he failed to help a female escort he had hired as she lay dying from a cocaine overdose, which he helped to administer.

Nair told the court that four inmates in Silverwater jail had attacked him while in custody after news of the incident broke, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.

Nair said he suffered multiple facial fractures including a broken jaw and broken teeth. He said he had also lost partial sight in one eye and was now without feeling in his left cheekbone because of a severed nerve sustained in the attack.

He said he had experienced 'a kind of mental breakdown' after the assault.

"It was raining outside and I thought it was going to flood in Silverwater jail. I have never experienced anything like that before," Nair said.

Nair had been briefly put into protective custody after the incident

Nair, giving evidence at Sydney's Downing Centre District Court as part of his sentencing, also repeatedly expressed remorse for the woman who had lost her life 'as a consequence of his behaviour'.

Dr Charlie Teo, AM, a pioneering brain surgeon at Prince of Wales Hospital, earlier said in court that his former colleague Nair had a good character and was 'very remorseful' about what he had done.

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